mapFromList<K, V> function Null safety

Map<K, V> mapFromList<K, V>(
  1. Iterable pairs

Create a Map from a list of key, value... pairs, if the list has an odd length, the last entry of the resulted map will has a null value.


Map<K, V> mapFromList<K, V>(Iterable<dynamic> pairs) {
  final groups = pairs.partitionIndexed((i, _) => i % 2 == 0);
  final keys = groups.item1.iterator;
  final values = groups.item2.iterator;
  final entries = <MapEntry>[];
  var key;
  var i = 0;
  while (keys.moveNext()) {
    key = keys.current;
    if (values.moveNext()) {
      entries.add(MapEntry(key, values.current));
      i += 2;
    } else {

  // the original list has an odd length
  if (i % 2 == 1) {
    entries.add(MapEntry(key, null));
  return Map.fromEntries(entries).cast<K, V>();